F O R - I M M E D I A T E - R E L E A S E
Kingsville Resident Who Won Initial Court Orders in SMART Meter Battle, Returns to Court Monday, January 6th @ 10am in Windsor Superior Court
Kingsville, Ontario – January 3, 2025 – Jaime Gale, a resident of Kingsville, Ontario, has successfully secured two court orders preventing the Town of Kingsville from shutting off her water or installing the Neptune Technology Group AMI SMART water meter at her property. Gale, who has been challenging the town’s authority to mandate SMART meter installations without homeowner consent, will return to court on January 6, 2025, as the legal battle continues.
In late 2023, Gale was informed that her current water meter would be replaced as part of Kingsville’s modernization program. Believing that the initiative oversteps municipal authority and infringes on residents' rights, she filed a claim in superior court. The recent orders represent a significant step in her fight to protect not only her home but also the rights of other residents.
During the proceedings, the Town of Kingsville argued that Gale is not entitled to water by the Municipality. Gale contended that the town's actions raise serious concerns about municipalities acting beyond their jurisdiction under the Ontario Municipal Act. She asserted that municipalities must operate within their prescribed legal limits and cannot impose conditions that exceed their authority. Gale welcomed the court's recognition of these jurisdictional overreach issues and is preparing for the next phase of the case.
Gale hopes her case will prompt further examination of Municipal overreach and reinforce the importance of adhering to the limits of municipal jurisdiction.
Uplifting news! We are supporting you from Notices of Liability to various companies involving Smart meters - together we rise!