Sep 13Liked by Wayne

As a former KD lover, have you tried Annies. :-) Much better. Now on to the video...

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The next CCP owned puppet to be installed to the LPC

Mark Carney


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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Wayne

And if he gets elected don't expect anything to change. He's much smarter than Trudeau but I'd say he's 10 times as dangerous. If Trudeau is a lock, Poilievre is a key. People can't see the truth because they are willfully blind, not stupid.

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts..https://substack.com/profile/221444694-gibson-gentry

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