What about the Lab in Winnipeg MB. Canada

i heard that 2 people were sent back home, China i believe, what happened? what did they do?

It was all covered up, i never heard what happened with that story?

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And CFIA lab in Swift Current Saskatchewan

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I do not trust Medical so called Authorities or the Government, they all have an Agenda.

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Yes, globalists WEF/UN agenda 2021/2030/2050

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3 rd Podcast way to go Jim Fergusen , Peter and yeah Shadoe, i shook Jims hand in Winnipeg he is awesome.

The Political parties in Canada are all comprised, they are all Globalist (most candidates)

They all need to go, i do not trust them.

We want a Trump here in Canada he would fight the Globalists, and fight for our people.

We do not want lying Politicians.

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There are a lot of good points here. We need Poilievre on the show with all of you!

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Pierre Poilievre is 44 years old, extremely bright with A LOT of experience in the 'shark tank' of politics and is careful to maneuver. Trump will like him.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and he has the courage to pull it off. If not, we will be losing our country. I do not see that there are any others except those in "the backroom" who threaten all of us (who care). He is the best we got and we better know it!

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We need all of you! We need doctors and other medical professionals like yourselves in charge of health care systems. God Bless

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There needs to be research and discovery on PCR tests, if these tests do not work, and where do the PCR strips come from? who are behind these test strips? i would love to see a show from credible people who can spread some information, because there needs to be other credible tests done on the Ostriches! These people who think that they are in charge of killing them need to have scientific evidence that these birds are sick and contaminated and it wasn't done by proper screening by tissue samples. These health authorities need to be shut down, if they are found to be controlling the food /health supply, and have a notorious agenda.

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My mom was murdered in hospital, there is no doubt. I need to know why but there is nowhere to turn. I believe if I fall ill they will kill me too. This is how I live my life now and I know there are many many others living with the same pain, broken hearts.

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