Jun 21Liked by Jake Jackson

Great idea, I first saw Jake on The Missing Link show! I love his idea but simplicity will deter people from believing it I’m sure ! 3% scattered across this vast Nation will leave people stranded on their own tho!

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Thanks for watching! The power in is the words of the documents. It is a simple idea, but once people look at HOW the society is set up on a contractual basis and actually PROTECTS the individual, while restricting anyone from ever claiming power over others ever again, it's a game changer. That's when they are convinced that simplicity IS the solution.

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Jun 22Liked by Jake Jackson

Have you ever heard of an Allodial Tittle Jake? It’s all about taking claim of your land! Doug Force from The Myth is Canada was on Wayne show back in 2020 I think! Maybe Wayne can get you in touch with him! Back in 1976 Queen Victoria gave land tittles to European settlers for free if they farmed the land for something like 5 years! It was mostly farm land in 160ish acre packages! After sometime we tracked down the original land tittle and on it it states to all heirs and assignees forever! It’s supposed to mean any authorities can be person that enters our property without our given consent, can be charged with Tress passing! Including Gov officials, Police, Mail man etc! Because of the threats C19 brought upon the people of Canada we gathered all documents needed! Apparently it gives us mineral rights to our property as well! Our yard is now in the suburbs of a City close to the Red River! This area was a busy market place back in the day!

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I have heard of it, but after looking into it, it's nearly, if no totally, impossible to get that type of title here in America. However, if we were to IMPLEMENT the Natural Law Republics around the world, all property WOULD be 100% owned by those whom have paid for it. There would be no "government authority" claiming ownership on anything. The world belongs to We, The People and by abolishing the entire System, we could reclaim all that has been stolen from us.

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I enjoyed our conversation on Wednesday! And, thank you for posting all of the documentation here on this post!!

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Also, does each Nation or country have to form its own group?

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It would be preferable for each nation to create their own group because each nation has different cultures, but we could work together in helping to build the critical mass in each one. The vision and goal is to have an entire world of Natural Law Republics in which we'd all be able to travel freely without having to ask "permission" from our government to leave our own country!

I would love for it if Canada and the US could break free together, at the same time. Imagine what the world would do if 2/3 of North America declared their independence from the System! It wouldn't take long before the REST of the world all followed suit...

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Jun 22Liked by Jake Jackson

Yes that would be awesome! Thank you Jake for putting so much time and effort into this concept! I’m heading out to a Manitoba Stronger Together conference tomorrow! I’ll make sure to share this interview with like minded people I run into !

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