
From The Roots: Ep 06

We covered a lot in this one, including a refresher course from Yuri Bezmenov!

Wins, losses, Canadian current events, geopolitics and some updates from behind the scenes of what's going on at the "grass roots" community levels. Get your gold nuggets galore tonight!

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This one covered a lot of ground and a if you are patient enough to listen to a rambling host there was a lot, I mean a boat load of good news once you start to see the dots connecting! The Deep State is in chaos, the world is noticing.

The challenge for us is … can we save our nations before the enemy takes advantage of the sabotage?

Tuesday at 6:00 Pm Central: A Real Reason to Fear Russia


Sources, resources links & videos used in this episode:About What’s Up Canada:

Slide show graphics:

From The Roots 06
2.56MB ∙ PDF file

BATRA’S BURNING QUESTIONS: Is there value in the 42% growth in Canada’s public service in 9 years ?

Guilbeault May End Up In JAIL For Covering Economic Ruins

The moment you realise you are being replaced in your own land

Yuri Bezmenov Predicted The Fall Of The WEST

BREAKING! Trudeau SUMMONED To COURT By Canada's Premiers!

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Premisess ID Canada Provincial Overview

Pib Traceability Is Report March 18 2023 U1
4.59MB ∙ PDF file

Excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries)

2024 07 19 Correlation Acm World 125 Countries Rancourt Hickey Linard
133MB ∙ PDF file

Wins of the Week!

Crown withdraws all charges against peaceful protester arrested, Tasered at Ottawa protest

All our X's live in Texas! Elon Musk Bolts from California: SpaceX and X Head to Texas Over Controversial Law

#news #CanPoli #Canada #Trudeau #Trump #BreakingNews #WhatsUpCanada

About What’s Up Canada:

Thank you for being here! All my content is free, but if you choose a paid subscription I want you to know I am eternally grateful. All of your support — reading, watching, sharing and financial is more critical than ever before — is deeply appreciated. - Wayne

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- Are you a Whistleblower, have a tip or a story? Send your email to: contact@whatsupcanada.org.

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- We don't boycott, we defund the “Deep State” so if you are tired of funding your own destruction, our team hits the Cabal where it hurts ... at: https://PatriotSwitch.com/SetMeFree

- Learn how to protect your current assets from the Banking Cabal, and that's the specialty of our partners at New World Precious Metals, to secure your precious metals. Contact them at: https://info.newworldpm.com/148.html

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