
Monday, it’s Never Over Until it’s Over

A slate full of political dumpster fires and the SHOCKING TRUTH about Trump's McDonald’s appearance

- Recount "unlikely" to change results of B.C.
- conspiring to censor the entire Internet
- climate crisis has nothing to do with weather
- what You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030
- liberals will be wiped out
- 10 fastest collapsing cities in Canada
- debunking “Use of LETHAL Force on Civilians”

Your favourite news and current events show!

#MoreJustice, #ScrapC293 #CanadaDeservesBetter

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I’ve never agreed with Tom Mulcair with the exception of this segment, the divided representation is the crack in the Dam called democracy: Recount of ballots is "unlikely" to change results of B.C. provincial election

They don’t want to just censor you here in Canada, they want to censor the entire Internet: Michael Shellenberger @shellenberger - It sounds shocking, but it's true

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This chart tells the whole story in one graph. There is no climate crisis based on weather, it’s terrorism based on Media Gaslighting: Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki @MatthewWielicki This is why many people are convinced there is a climate crisis. It has nothing to do with the weather.


The globalist leaders who have captured your nation are not done with their demolition, not of your country or mine. We are all in their cross hairs and there are things you need to know. GBNews - The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030

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When this kind of news comes right from the lips of their members, it’s a bigger issue than Trudeau can sweep under the carpet. His party is facing extinction: Liberals will be wiped out in next election says former Liberal MP - BCN Bridge City News

10 Fastest Collapsing Cities in Canada... Leave NOW! GlobeScope

Authorized to Use LETHAL Force on Civilians? What Did Biden Authorize Department of Defense To Do? Viva Frei

Get to know the new “king of Canada.”

This entire situation is a real time, real life coup of Canada. Did you vote for him? I sure didn’t. By that I mean the “anointed” but unelected Mark Carney and the Liberals like the sponsor of Bill C-293 Nathanial Erskine. They are desperately propping Carney up as the saviour of the party, of the policies, of the Liberal wealth extraction scam. Canadians don’t know enough about who was parachuted in to protect and fix the interests of the WEF and Klaus Schwab.

Remember this clip? The disgusting arrogance, insults, gaslighting and lies are off the hook with this one but it sets up the even bigger display of theatrics, lies and gaslighting in his interview with none other than Mark “carnage” Carney. What is scary vegan Bill C-293? Nathaniel Erskine-Smith,

If you didn’t lose your stomach listening to the last short clip, I’m sure you will when trying to listen to the “WEF fixer” Mark Carney. Desperate cronies sitting together trying to pretend they are superior yet humble servants. You all know this is just a lie. Mark Carney on Uncommons Nathaniel Erskine-Smith

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Have faith folks, the recent years of effort are not all in vain as displayed by the post of Karla Joy Treadway which almost broke my eyes. This post made many stressful days melt away knowing there is the capacity to wake people up to the evil they don’t understand and have continued hope for our fellow people!

Thank you Karla for the brave statement! I’ve quoted the entire post below.

Karla Joy Treadway @thesovereignceo

I am so grateful I woke up from whatever hypnosis that was that I was under.

I apologize to conservatives, to religious people, to the mothers who were questioning the medicines and foods we gave our children. I didn’t realize how out of touch I was and how manipulated I was by the media and culture in general.

I think it’s really important for people to set aside their tribalism and admit when they were wrong.

So I’ll go first.

4 years ago I thought conservatives were bad rich white corporate people who hated the poor. I hated Trump (I believed what Canadian media said about him) but I probably couldn’t tell you one single thing that he did wrong or didn’t do right.

I pretended like I knew what I was talking about when it came to politics but the truth is all I cared about was not voting conservative. I had such strong opinions about it and maybe I even thought I had done my due diligence. But the truth is I would open up the political platform days before voting day and read between the liberal and NDP parties platform highlights and choose from there.

I had NO IDEA and no business voting.

I hated the churches and thought religious people were brainwashed. I felt superior in my spiritual practices as if I knew better than thousands of years of peaceful people gathering to worship Jesus. Meanwhile I was drinking, I was partying and filled with anxiety and depression while I did these bandaid eastern wisdom practices that temporarily fixed small problems.

I thought the anti-vaxxer moms were crazy and uneducated.

In 2019 I went to social justice trainings because that was the thing back then and this is where I started to wake up. Not only did it not make sense…..it so clearly made things worse.

And then I woke up.

Not all at once. Bit by bit.

It started with the visceral feeling that the sometimes well meaning social justice trainings were manipulative and encouraging division and hatred over healing.

Then the pandemic and how the media handled it.

Then the illegal and corrupt actions of our government.

Then the realization that these medicines were causing more hurt than harm.

Then my deep dive into understanding politics, geopolitics and the world’s history.

Then I met Jesus.

And everything else spiralled into place after that.

I didn’t just “switch teams” - I’m not on a team. I’m just very very aware of history, the inner workings of politics, how the medical system works and what I need to do to have a good life.

I know what it’s like to be a good person who simply doesn’t pay attention to the world beyond the surface of what media shows.

There are many of us now. Be patient with people. They can change.

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I will be taking part in some Saskatchewan Election night coverage hosted by: Shaun Newman Podcast @SNewmanPodcast Ohhh baby the 28th is going to be fun


This was brilliant, the best mockery of the MSM I’ve seen in a while, I chuckled all the way through this clip! In fact I enjoyed this so much I had to save the best to last, enjoy! The SHOCKING TRUTH about Trump's McDonald’s appearance Glenn Beck

Thank you for being here! All my content is free, but if you choose a paid subscription I want you to know I am eternally grateful. All of your support — reading, watching, sharing and financial is more critical than ever before and is deeply appreciated. - Wayne

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