Canada has had so much of its history removed from the public consciousness I wonder, are we about to repeat some of it?
We’re going to look at a few slivers of it today, some of it is startling, some of it is embarrassing for Canada and some of it is embarrassing for America.
Some of it is down right scary for the people of both nations. Some of it must be understood to know the origins of so many things we can all easily identify as extremely dangerous. All of it is intricately connected to the plights of our day,
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Remember what they did to Socrates when he spoke up against Democracy? "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free" I did not play this clip, the first quote from John Adams was enough to make my point tonight. He was speaking against pure democracy (mob rule), as opposed to and as an argument in favour of a Constitutional democratic republic. Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny - Academy of Ideas
My second short clip is a nostalgic public reminder to Americans of who Canadians are by Tom Brokaw more than 14 years ago. Some things to be proud of as a Canadian to set the tone, Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans - Fred Hodgins
The third clip takes us back to the very beginning of the cold war, and how it started in Ottawa. This tells a story of a time before us, a time of extreme importance to where we are today. A time when Pierre Eliot Trudeau was growing into who we would come to despise today, a time that not only influence him, but the trajectory of both of our nations. How the Cold War started in Ottawa - Canadiana
A time where Canada’s Camp X was literally the CIA basic training facility when Allen Dulles was forming the Central Intelligence Agency. They couldn’t have done it without Canada, but why did they need to? They have always been a rogue agency, a front for crime.
In watching clip four it is easy to believe have become arguably the most evil ‘agency'“ in the history of the world. THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Operation Sunrise and the Plan for a New Europe [pt. 2] Eyes Wide Open If you do not see how this has become the 4th Reich of today in this video, watch it again.
Fast forward to the time of Justin Trudeau’s childhood, the deception, smoke, mirrors and gaslighting of Canadians was running full steam as evidenced in this excerpt from Kieth Richards. Justins father weaponized the justice system then as his son does today, vindictively. Trudeau Sex Scandal: Justin's Mom, Heroin & More -Keith Richards on Canadian Prime Minister Wife - Daniel S
After a little embarrassing history of Canada’s royal family I thought it appropriate to share a little of Trumps family history. Not only does Donald Trump come by his hotel interests generationally, it’s more than a little bit thanks to Canada he has it. After all his grandfathers brothel made pimping quite lucrative in the 1880 Klondike gold rush, imagine that hey? true story! The Brothel Behind The Trump Fortune - Canadiana
Next stop is with AnitaK on How the Governor General Betrayed Canadians. By now we all know Governor General Mary Simon has chosen to prorogue Parliament instead of calling an election, sparking heated debates across the nation. We have had a call campaign running since Thursday to much participation and perhaps even some success. Make the call, tell her it’s time to dissolve the government and call an election immediately.
Make the call: Gov Gen 1-800-465-6890 8am-8pm est. Whats Up Canada on X
The last clip is the wild card clip. I can’t corroborate this story but it sounds like he is reading a transcripted conversation between the GG and Justin Trudeau… who allegedly had his usually composed demeanour shattered, and apparently unleashed a torrent of rage and contempt upon Governor General Mary Simon after she made a decision that would send shockwaves through the Canadian political landscape. Truthfully, a misogynistic tantrum would be the only realistic thing anyone would believe. The creator of this clip predicts an election call in 2 days. I’m not holding my breath but wouldn’t that be interesting? I did reach out to him, he said we would have to wait and see. ELECTION IN 2 DAYS: Trudeau in Deep Mess as Governor General Declares Election Day - Social Insider
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