
Trick? or Treat?

You tell me if tonights stories are tricks... or treats!

Sorry, insane is not an option for tonight only lol... just kidding. We all know the insanity isn't even near ending but we might have a little fun with Halloween. In solidarity we celebrated Halloween Garbage.

Sources resources and links:

🇺🇸Land Of ILLUSION🇺🇸 @Landofillusion1 "REPORTING FOR DUTY SIR" 💪


Should you be concerned about the fact that historically, when the US votes Conservative we get a Liberal, that when the US elects a Liberal we get conservatives? I think Trudeau might be betting on Trump getting elected for him to get an avalanche of Liberal support… and dough $$$. Deep Breath –The Results Of The US Election May Get Trudeau Re-Elected The LeDrew Three Minute Interview

This word trick was too good to not laugh at again, sorry ladies or as liberals call you “partners with eggs.” Tom Quiggin @TomTSEC A woman is now defined as your "partner with eggs" according to the medical community.


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Trudeau tried a dirty trick, he brought and injected his daughter into Parliament to try propping up the old and tired “abortion” is medical rights garbage. Tainted, weak, dirty tricks. Alex Zoltan @AmazingZoltan - Trudeau says his daughter is in the gallery

Oh the look on Trudeaus face as his ego gets smashed here is priceless. I put this clip in the treat bag! Martyupnorth®- Unacceptable Fact Checker @Martyupnorth_2 7 out of 10 Canadians want Trudeau to step down.

Wisdom and inspiration in spades in this clip of Bret Weinstein. He is so correct about identifying the patterns that become clear from 30,000 ft when it comes to who, what and how they are destroying our nations. Worthy of a couple repeat listens to get the full flavour of wisdom and inspiration. Camus @newstart_2024 Great speech by Bret Weinstein:

Trudeau needs C-293 for the “NWO post nation state.” We need to stop him. What’s Up Canada 2.0 @WhatsUpCanadian Bill C-293 is the reason Trudeau is clinging on so hard

Read the voting rules for Nova Scotia and you don’t have to wonder how we have elections no one can trust! What’s Up Canada 2.0 @WhatsUpCanadian So much for election integrity anywhere hey?

Dominion voting machines in Kentucky doing what Dominion machines were built to do. Remembering the fact that think tanks who tested the machines stated that: “election fraud was not only possible, it’s a built in feature!” What’s Up Canada 2.0 @WhatsUpCanadian Thoughts Canada?

It’s not theory, or conspiracy when the officials themselves tell you “Sorry, it’s an unfixable programming issue.” Free, fair, and accurate elections again anyone? Nick Sortor @nicksortor 🚨 NEW: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson says there is a “NATIONWIDE ISSUE with Dominion Voter Access Terminals

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This is where we start pulling a thread of what will seem like a Mafia story but is “just politics as usual” in Canada. Selling out Canadians for toxic waste dumps and certain death seems to be all the norm these days. This was just the start of what 3M does, wait until you hear what else Doug Ford’s cronies are into. JoCanada™ ✝️🍁🇨🇦🚑 @JoCanada_1 OMG what the Heck has that donkey Doug Ford gone & done

We have head a lot lately about the massive supercorps in Canada getting into the Medical arms race. The Medical Industrial complex has been busy for decades. Did you know 3M has the patent on what we are told is crazy talk conspiracy theory? Adrenochrome is real, sorry you got fact checked for years you were right. Nicky P @cravecreative 3M is an integral part of the Globalist Empire. Did I mention they filed a patent to manufacture Adrenochrome?

This was a fun fact, did you know Adrenochrome had it’s birth in Canada and Saskatchewan was the testing grounds Nicky P @cravecreative History bits: Adrenochrome was first discovered in 1937 & was experimented on humans in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1954

In our previous show we saw the “Alphabet Mafia” grooming kindergarteners to be Palestinian activists. That was not an isolated event. The trick is understanding that this whole “Palestine” movement is not a movement at all but an organized, heavily funded, odious political Islamist colour revolution masterminded elsewhere but designed to do the same thing… create chaos in our countries and make your babies hate their own identities, culture, and countries. This was a deep thread with a ton of resources, know you are not alone in exposing and despising this dangerous ideology. Kelly S. @kellyske 🧵 A must-read article. - The Kindergarten Intifada

It takes 2 hours to decide to carve up your kids. It could happen in an afternoon and they wouldn’t even tell you until it was too late. The radical left is committed to destroying your children in any way they can. Benjamin Ryan @benryanwriter SCOOP: ‘Shocking’ and ‘Reckless’—Top Gender Clinic Assesses Kids For Gender-Transition Treatments in Just 2 Hours

I like Neils point here. The insanity of the left went too far too fast. I mean wayyyy too far wayyyy to fast. Their biggest problem is that there are only a few of them pulling the strings on billions of people and those people woke up when they weren’t supposed to and now the left is desperate and scrambling. It also makes them dangerous but I believe the billions of us are more dangerous than the few who pull the strings. Wide Awake Media @wideawake_media "I think they have fumbled the ball."

We ran out of time to watch this clip but it was utterly dynamic and revealing of the mental issues of Canada’s PM. He is dangerous, even to those who work for him. Terror is a Dictators only tool and Trudeau has an unusually large does of that kind of crazy as evidenced by his former Parliamentary Secretary. Who Really Runs the Trudeau Government? | Celina Caesar-Chavannes Jordan B Peterson

This is dangerous ground for me, disagreeing with a prominent Lawyer is not an easy thing to do but I have to express my feelings on this press release. I don’t think this is the best way to serve justice for Canadians I think this serves a few and most of all the Lawyers making bank. The freedom industrial complex takes many forms but there are some Lawyers seemingly capitalizing on every form these days. I’m not saying there is anything shady going on with this but I have questions… Eva Chipiuk, BSc, LLB, LLM @echipiuk FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

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