
Yesterday’s ‘party’ is today’s hangover

From Mexican drug cartel busts in Ontario to Klaus Shwab, the WHO and Ursula Vonder Lying at the EU panicking.

Yesterdays inauguration and "signature marathon" seems to be giving the usual super villain suspects some migraine level headaches! Meanwhile, the Reich marches on in spite of Trumps massive anti-globalist policy signatures yesterday.

For Canadians we have the day after stupidity you've come to expect with Trudeau's manufactured trade war, liberals jumping ship, and some serious questions on who's actually protecting kids along with some suggestions about what Ottawa should be saying.

Oh, and Panama also says no thanks.

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I had a couple of stories to start the show that just didn’t quite fit with the rest, the first was Say goodbye to bank cards or at least South Africa is. They may be first but we all know it’s coming if the globalists have their way with us.

The second is, What is a Reich? And why were there three of them? - rewboss I get the question more often than one might imagine so I thought I would share this explanation. It’s not really a show lately if there isn’t something about the Nazi’s that we need to know, we are surrounded by them even if they’ve rebranded.

Good clip highlighting how many in Trudeau’s Cabinet have resigned, (Ryan Gerritsen) been fired or jumped ship since 2021. Now we all get to wait around with no election in sight & a prorogued Government all while this disaster of a Party figures out who they want to lead.

Global News: Historic cocaine bust in Ontario had ties to Mexican drug cartel, Toronto police say This is probably a new cartel, I mean one you’ve never heard of, knowing this bust only put a small dent in them is and should be disturbing. We want what Trump wants when it comes to these evil organizations, why is that a problem for our government?

Who is Team Canada playing for? - Randy Hillier Trudeau will sacrifice Canadians in order to protect his immigration policies with a phoney Team Canada.

Warren Kinsella dropped this, he seems to have switched teams or have been paid more to be pro Pierre these days. He is in its purest sense, a Media Mercenary.


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Are you ready for some fresh propaganda? Global News again, Canadians overwhelmingly support retaliation to Trump tariffs: poll In my opinion they are either on drugs or Government money, you decide.

The National Post at least had something sounding like an adult report, Terence Corcoran: Stop building trade fortresses. End all tariffs! Canada should adopt unilateral free trade and resist the temptation to out-tariff Trump

What no politician in Canada is saying, is exactly what they should be saying. It sounds an awful lot like what Trump has been saying as per our friend Bill Tufts


Wouldn’t that just be a winning campaign? I’m afraid it’s too smart and simple for Canadian politicians though.

So yes, I’m speaking to you @PierrePoilievre 40 million of us are telling you this. #Whatchagonado You can’t hide forever, you cant keep letting the radical left and MSM mercenaries assaulting us conspiracy theorists. Speak up or face unimaginable wrath from your neighbour’s and a growing number of Canadians. They are seeing change that matters and want it too.


Denounce, defund them, dump their policies or be proven a fraud to your people. Those are your choices sir.

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Children are being destroyed by policies all parties are protecting, policies ordained and engineered by those unholy agencies who create false environments.


Most would agree, the above graphic is a good thing, and it is. Until you look at who is being omitted from consequences while the Catholic Churches are turned into an industry.

But there is a deception that seems pretty clear when you see the chart below. How can you not wonder if maybe we have our priorities mixed up??? Who exactly is the greatest danger to children and then start looking at SOGI. Seriously…


It takes some time for news to get around the world, it took some time to get some responses from the usual Super Villains we all know, like Klaus Schwab here. Dr. Evil is clearly upset that Trump won and people are waking up to the sinister plans of the WEF & their ilk. He's clearly upset that nations want to be sovereign. He says it's "self-serving" & that it undermines "collective progress."

We also hear from several of the most ominous characters as the “TDS” hits Davos and the globalists start freaking out. The WHO is upset too!


"WHO comments on United States announcement of intent to withdraw The World Health Organization regrets the announcement that the United States of America intends to withdraw from the Organization.

WHO plays a crucial role in protecting the health and security of the world’s people, including Americans, by addressing the root causes of disease, building stronger health systems, and detecting, preventing and responding to health emergencies, including disease outbreaks, often in dangerous places where others cannot go.

The United States was a founding member of WHO in 1948 and has participated in shaping and governing WHO’s work ever since, alongside 193 other Member States, including through its active participation in the World Health Assembly and Executive Board.

For over seven decades, WHO and the USA have saved countless lives and protected Americans and all people from health threats.

Together, we ended smallpox, and together we have brought polio to the brink of eradication. American institutions have contributed to and benefited from membership in WHO.

With the participation of the United States and other Member States, WHO has over the past 7 years implemented the largest set of reforms in its history, to transform our accountability, cost-effectiveness, and impact in countries.

This work continues. We hope the United States will reconsider and we look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue to maintain the partnership between the USA and WHO, for the benefit of the health and well-being of millions of people around the globe."

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"Climate change is still on top of the global agenda ... decarbonizing ... circular economy ... nature credits ... the Paris Agreement is the best hope." - Ursula von der Leyen - President of the European Commission - ResistCBDC

Global Agenda: They want a one world government, run by the UN (West) merged with CCP (East)

Decarbonizing: Applies to Western nations, the global north, not the global south a.k.a. the China-sphere

Circular Economy: Zero waste, net zero carbon, universal poverty for us, manage by them (they keep their jets)

Nature Credits: They want to tokenize and track/control ALL of nature - that includes natural resources within our national borders

What would a Euro Zone reaction segment be without the Kaiser, by that I mean German PM Olaf Scholz who decried Trump like all the good Globalist 4th Reich cronies in this clip from Camus - German PM Olaf Scholz:

The consistent ‘odd man out’ in Europe, meaning the only one not totally woke and suffering from TDS is Viktor Orban. At least he is predictably sane!

The executive orders signed by President @realDonaldTrump will transform not only the US, but the entire world. The rebellion against woke liberal democracy has entered a new stage. The time has come for patriotic forces to occupy Brussels!

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Lost in all the bluster is Panama, has anyone asked them what they think about Trumps aggressive and targeted statements? Yes, the BBC reports that they say no thanks. Panama rejects Trump vow to 'take back' Panama Canal

The last short is about nothing more than human nature, inquiring minds really….REALLY want to know, what did Barron say?!?!?!?!?!?!

Drop a comment with what you think he may have said to Joe Biden. It was something significant to move him like he did… something big. I’m curious.

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